
Generating a Data Base with Homotopic Trajectory Transitioning

# We first import the resources
import sys
from Trajectory import Point_Lander
from Optimisation import Hermite_Simpson
from PyGMO import *
from numpy import *
from pandas import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# We instantiate the problem
prob = Hermite_Simpson(Point_Lander(si=[0,1000,20,-5,9900]))
# Let us first supply a ballistic trajectory as a guess
zguess = prob.Guess.Ballistic(tf=28)
# Decode the guess so we can visualise
tf, cb, s, c = prob.Decode(zguess)
plt.plot(s[:,0], s[:,1], 'k.-')
plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.xlabel('Cross Range [m]')
plt.ylabel('Altitude [m]')


# Use SLSQP and alternatively Monotonic Basin Hopping
alg1 = algorithm.scipy_slsqp(max_iter=3000, screen_output=True)
alg2 = algorithm.mbh(alg1, screen_output=True)
# Instantiate a population with 1 individual
pop = population(prob)
# and add the guess
# We then optimise the trajectory
pop = alg1.evolve(pop)
  NIT    FC           OBJFUN            GNORM
    1   231    -9.900000E+03     1.000000E+00
    2   463    -9.910000E+03     1.000000E+00
    3   694    -9.910999E+03     1.000000E+00
    4   925    -9.912809E+03     1.000000E+00

 1311 304389    -9.626603E+03     1.000000E+00
 1312 304620    -9.626603E+03     1.000000E+00
 1313 304851    -9.626603E+03     1.000000E+00
 1314 305082    -9.626603E+03     1.000000E+00
Optimization terminated successfully.    (Exit mode 0)
            Current function value: -9626.60290038
            Iterations: 1314
            Function evaluations: 305083
            Gradient evaluations: 1314
# We now visualise the optimised trajectory
tf, cb, s, c = prob.Decode(pop.champion.x)
plt.plot(s[:,0], s[:,1], 'k.-')
plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.xlabel('Cross Range [m]')
plt.ylabel('Altitude [m]')


# and look at the control throttle
f, ax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(c[:,0], 'k.-')
ax[1].plot(cb[:,0], 'k.-')
plt.xlabel('Node Index')
ax[0].set_ylabel('Node Throttle')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Midpoint Throttle')


# We save the optimised trajectory decision vector
save('HSD0', pop.champion.x)
# We perturb the initial state and find a optimsal trajectory
# Decreasing the velocity by a few m/s for demonstration
prob = Hermite_Simpson(Point_Lander(si=[0,1000,10,-5,9900]))
# and create a population for the new problem
pop = population(prob)
# and add the previous population decision vector
# We then optimise the trajectory, this now will not take long!
pop = alg1.evolve(pop)
  NIT    FC           OBJFUN            GNORM
    1   231    -9.626603E+03     1.000000E+00
    2   462    -9.626055E+03     1.000000E+00
    3   693    -9.625759E+03     1.000000E+00
    4   924    -9.625883E+03     1.000000E+00

   56 12936    -9.660155E+03     1.000000E+00
   57 13167    -9.661138E+03     1.000000E+00
   58 13398    -9.661133E+03     1.000000E+00
   59 13629    -9.661133E+03     1.000000E+00
Optimization terminated successfully.    (Exit mode 0)
            Current function value: -9661.13264337
            Iterations: 59
            Function evaluations: 13629
            Gradient evaluations: 59
# We now compare this new perturbed trajectory to the previous
tf1, cb1, s1, c1 = prob.Decode(pop.champion.x)
plt.plot(s1[:,0], s1[:,1], 'k.-') # The new trajectory
plt.plot(s[:,0], s[:,1], 'k.--') # The old trajectory
plt.legend(['Old Trajectory', 'New Trajectory'])
plt.title('Homotopic Trajectory Transitioning')
plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.xlabel('Cross Range [m]')
plt.ylabel('Altitude [m]')


# In essence, we will incrementally perturb the dynamical system's
# initial state and repeatedly compute new optimal trajectories.
# So, again we store the new trajectory decisions vector
save('HSD1', pop.champion.x)
# Store the current decision
z = pop.champion.x
# Now we try perturbing the initial position rather
# We instantiate the problem
prob = Hermite_Simpson(Point_Lander(si=[-10,1000,10,-5,9900]))
# and create a population for the new problem
pop = population(prob)
# and add the previous population decision vector
# We then optimise the trajectory, this now will not take long!
pop = alg1.evolve(pop)
  NIT    FC           OBJFUN            GNORM
    1   231    -9.661133E+03     1.000000E+00
    2   462    -9.659388E+03     1.000000E+00
    3   693    -9.659415E+03     1.000000E+00
    4   924    -9.659430E+03     1.000000E+00

   19  4389    -9.660673E+03     1.000000E+00
   20  4620    -9.660756E+03     1.000000E+00
   21  4851    -9.661134E+03     1.000000E+00
   22  5082    -9.661133E+03     1.000000E+00
Optimization terminated successfully.    (Exit mode 0)
            Current function value: -9661.13264337
            Iterations: 22
            Function evaluations: 5083
            Gradient evaluations: 22
# We now compare this new perturbed trajectory to the previous
tf2, cb2, s2, c2 = prob.Decode(pop.champion.x)
plt.plot(s2[:,0], s2[:,1], 'k.-') # The new trajectory
plt.plot(s1[:,0], s1[:,1], 'k.--') # The old trajectory
plt.plot(s[:,0], s[:,1], 'k.--') # The initial trajectory
plt.legend(['New', 'Old', 'Initial'])
plt.title('Homotopic Trajectory Transitioning')
plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.xlabel('Cross Range [m]')
plt.ylabel('Altitude [m]')


# Again, save the decision
save('HSD2', pop.champion.x)
z = pop.champion.x
# We instantiate the problem one last time
prob = Hermite_Simpson(Point_Lander(si=[-10,1000,0,-5,9900]))
# and create a population for the new problem
pop = population(prob)
# and add the previous population decision vector
# We then optimise the trajectory, this now will not take long!
pop = alg1.evolve(pop)
  NIT    FC           OBJFUN            GNORM
    1   231    -9.661133E+03     1.000000E+00
    2   462    -9.626934E+03     1.000000E+00
    3   693    -9.626588E+03     1.000000E+00
    4   924    -9.626690E+03     1.000000E+00

  115 26575    -9.660552E+03     1.000000E+00
  116 26806    -9.660562E+03     1.000000E+00
  117 27037    -9.660590E+03     1.000000E+00
  118 27268    -9.660590E+03     1.000000E+00
Optimization terminated successfully.    (Exit mode 0)
            Current function value: -9660.58977623
            Iterations: 118
            Function evaluations: 27269
            Gradient evaluations: 118
# We now compare this new perturbed trajectory to the previous
tf3, cb3, s3, c3 = prob.Decode(pop.champion.x)
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
plt.plot(s3[:,0], s2[:,1], 'k.-')
plt.plot(s2[:,0], s2[:,1], 'k.--') # The new trajectory
plt.plot(s1[:,0], s1[:,1], 'k.--') # The old trajectory
plt.plot(s[:,0], s[:,1], 'k.--') # The initial trajectory
plt.legend(['New', 'Old'])
plt.title('Homotopic Trajectory Transitioning')
plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.xlabel('Cross Range [m]')
plt.ylabel('Altitude [m]')
#plt.savefig('Homotopic_Transitioning.pdf', format='pdf',
#           transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')


# I think we get it now... time to do this more programmatically
# but first we again save the decision vector
z = pop.champion.x
save('HSD3', z)