@inproceedings{sprague2024stableaf,title={Stable Autonomous Flow Matching},author={Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and Elofsson, Arne and Azizpour, Hossein},year={2024},booktitle={submission}}
An Extended Convergence Result for Behavior Tree Controllers
@article{sprague2022extended,title={An Extended Convergence Result for Behavior Tree Controllers},author={Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and {\"O}gren, Petter},year={2023},journal={In submission},}
Adding neural network controllers to behavior trees without destroying performance guarantees
Christopher Iliffe Sprague, and Petter Ögren
In 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2022
@inproceedings{sprague2022adding,title={Adding neural network controllers to behavior trees without destroying performance guarantees},author={Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and {\"O}gren, Petter},booktitle={2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},pages={3989--3996},year={2022},organization={IEEE},}
Behavior Trees in Robot Control Systems
Petter Ögren, and Christopher Iliffe Sprague
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, 2022
@article{ogren2022behavior,title={Behavior Trees in Robot Control Systems},author={{\"O}gren, Petter and Sprague, Christopher Iliffe},journal={Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems},volume={5},pages={81--107},year={2022},publisher={Annual Reviews},}
Fully-probabilistic terrain modelling and localization with stochastic variational gaussian process maps
Ignacio Torroba, Christopher Iliffe Sprague, and John Folkesson
@article{torroba2022fully,title={Fully-probabilistic terrain modelling and localization with stochastic variational gaussian process maps},author={Torroba, Ignacio and Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and Folkesson, John},journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},volume={7},number={4},pages={8729--8736},year={2022},publisher={IEEE},}
A system for autonomous seaweed farm inspection with an underwater robot
Ivan Stenius, John Folkesson, Sriharsha Bhat, Christopher Iliffe Sprague, Li Ling, Özer Özkahraman, Nils Bore, Zheng Cong, Josefine Severholt, Carl Ljung, and others
@article{stenius2022system,title={A system for autonomous seaweed farm inspection with an underwater robot},author={Stenius, Ivan and Folkesson, John and Bhat, Sriharsha and Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and Ling, Li and {\"O}zkahraman, {\"O}zer and Bore, Nils and Cong, Zheng and Severholt, Josefine and Ljung, Carl and others},journal={Sensors},volume={22},number={13},pages={5064},year={2022},publisher={MDPI},}
Efficient and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Critical Robotic Systems
@phdthesis{sprague2022efficient,title={Efficient and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Critical Robotic Systems},author={Sprague, Christopher Iliffe},year={2022},school={Kungliga Tekniska h{\"o}gskolan},}
Continuous-time behavior trees as discontinuous dynamical systems
@article{sprague2021continuous,title={Continuous-time behavior trees as discontinuous dynamical systems},author={Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and {\"O}gren, Petter},journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters},volume={6},pages={1891--1896},year={2021},publisher={IEEE},}
PointNetKL: Deep inference for GICP covariance estimation in bathymetric SLAM
Ignacio Torroba, Christopher Iliffe Sprague, Nils Bore, and John Folkesson
@article{torroba2020pointnetkl,title={PointNetKL: Deep inference for GICP covariance estimation in bathymetric SLAM},author={Torroba, Ignacio and Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and Bore, Nils and Folkesson, John},journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},volume={5},number={3},pages={4078--4085},year={2020},publisher={IEEE},}
A cyber-physical system for hydrobatic auvs: system integration and field demonstration
Sriharsha Bhat, Ignacio Torroba, Özer Özkahraman, Nils Bore, Christopher Iliffe Sprague, Yiping Xie, Ivan Stenius, Josefine Severholt, Carl Ljung, John Folkesson, and others
In 2020 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Symposium (AUV), 2020
@inproceedings{bhat2020cyber,title={A cyber-physical system for hydrobatic auvs: system integration and field demonstration},author={Bhat, Sriharsha and Torroba, Ignacio and {\"O}zkahraman, {\"O}zer and Bore, Nils and Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and Xie, Yiping and Stenius, Ivan and Severholt, Josefine and Ljung, Carl and Folkesson, John and others},booktitle={2020 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Symposium (AUV)},pages={1--8},year={2020},organization={IEEE},}
Learning how to learn bathymetry
Christopher Iliffe Sprague, and Petter Ögren
In 2020 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Symposium (AUV), 2020
@inproceedings{sprague2020learning,title={Learning how to learn bathymetry},author={Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and {\"O}gren, Petter},booktitle={2020 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Symposium (AUV)},pages={1--2},year={2020},organization={IEEE},}
Learning dynamic-objective policies from a class of optimal trajectories
Christopher Iliffe Sprague, Dario Izzo, and Petter Ögren
In 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020
@inproceedings{sprague2020learninh,title={Learning dynamic-objective policies from a class of optimal trajectories},author={Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and Izzo, Dario and {\"O}gren, Petter},booktitle={2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},pages={597--602},year={2020},organization={IEEE},}
Machine learning and evolutionary techniques in interplanetary trajectory design
Dario Izzo, Christopher Iliffe Sprague, and Dharmesh Vijay Tailor
Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering: State of the Art and New Challenges, 2019
@article{izzo2019machine,title={Machine learning and evolutionary techniques in interplanetary trajectory design},author={Izzo, Dario and Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and Tailor, Dharmesh Vijay},journal={Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering: State of the Art and New Challenges},pages={191--210},year={2019},publisher={Springer International Publishing},}
Improving the modularity of auv control systems using behaviour trees
Christopher Iliffe Sprague, Özer Özkahraman, Andrea Munafo, Rachel Marlow, Alexander Phillips, and Petter Ögren
In 2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV), 2018
@inproceedings{sprague2018improving,title={Improving the modularity of auv control systems using behaviour trees},author={Sprague, Christopher Iliffe and {\"O}zkahraman, {\"O}zer and Munafo, Andrea and Marlow, Rachel and Phillips, Alexander and {\"O}gren, Petter},booktitle={2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV)},pages={1--6},year={2018},organization={IEEE},}
Modelling and Simulation of Autonomous CubeSats for Orbital Debris Mitigation
Christopher Iliffe Sprague
In 6th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, 2016
@inproceedings{sprague2016modelling,title={Modelling and Simulation of Autonomous CubeSats for Orbital Debris Mitigation},author={Sprague, Christopher Iliffe},booktitle={6th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques},year={2016},organization={European Space Agency},}